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Over the past 15 years, our HQ has always been full of people. Whether we’re meeting a customer for the first time, conducting a tasting, or hosting a training. We’ve very much had a revolving door policy.

When the pandemic hit, that completely changed, and we had to quickly reimagine all of the experiences we held in person and bring them to life digitally.

Microsoft Teams has allowed us to innovate with ease and has kept us connected with our customers throughout the pandemic.

The processes we’ve developed over the past 12 months have not only helped us continue doing the things we love but, have also enabled us to foster new and stronger relationships with our customers.

Teams has opened us up to a completely new way of thinking. These aren’t temporary fixes; they’re changes we will take with us into the future.

We’re thrilled to have recently partnered with Microsoft on their new Microsoft Teams ad campaign and we can’t wait to see where Teams is going to take us next.