
Bookkisa Washed

Tasting notes

Acacia Honey / Glacé Cherry / Vanilla


Bookkisa Washed

Tasting notes

Acacia Honey / Glacé Cherry / Vanilla

Washing Station

Sookoo Coffee


Ture Waji




2000 - 2150 masl




Gibirinna 74110 & Serto 74112



Introducing the first of two incredible new coffees from Ethiopia, produced by Ture “King of Guji” Waji – so named for his deep knowledge of the land, its people, and the coffee. Our importer, Ostio, has been working with Ture since the establishment of his drying station, Sookoo Coffee, in 2018. Sookoo operates in Ethiopia’s Guji zone, with a focus on producing high-quality, traceable, and sustainable coffee. Ture sources from smallholder farmers in the surrounding kebeles (villages), and his team is renowned for their precise processing methods, including meticulous cherry sorting and careful drying techniques to enhance flavour development. They also place a strong emphasis on farmer education and support, providing pre-harvest loans and offering premium prices for the highest-quality cherries.

Until recently, Sookoo focused exclusively on naturally processed coffee, but they have since expanded into washed coffee production. Fully ripe cherries are pulped using a Penagos eco-pulper, fermented, and soaked in water for 12 hours before being moved to drying tables. Washed Ethiopian coffee is known for its bright acidity and floral aromas, and Guji’s distinct terroir, combined with meticulous washing techniques, produces a clean, balanced cup that is highly sought after in the specialty coffee market. This long washing process is responsible for the Acaia honey, glacé cherry and vanilla taste notes.